7 Fantastic Blogs That Feature Great Instant Pot Recipes + Ideas
This is the list you’ve been waiting for…lots of Instant Pot recipe inspiration coming your way!
We’ve been Instant Pot owners for almost 6 months now!…some longer yes, but you too can still use some fresh ideas.
Hopefully (fingers crossed) yours has made it out of the box and onto your counter…and hopefully you have used it and gotten the hang of pressure cooking. There’s definitely a learning curve…don’t give up please, it’s such a fantastic kitchen appliance.
I’m loving mine as you all know, and I use it pretty well every day now!
Today I’ve rounded up some blog sites that feature fantastic pressure cooking recipes. You’ll want to visit and explore. I guarantee you’ll find something new to try.
And don’t forget, if you try a recipe and love it, please let me know so I can feature it here for all of us to enjoy.
Happy hump day, hang in there the week’s half done!
7 Fantastic Blogs That Feature Great Instant Pot Recipes + Ideas
Detailed instructions for making everything from the basics like Instant Pot rice, to the more complicated but still very doable cheesecake. They are known for doing lots of testing on their recipes, with timing and pressure release, and sharing the results so you can choose the option that you prefer.
Lots of wonderful recipes here, for cooking with your Instant Pot and your crock pot too. You are sure to find something here.
Everything you need for Instant Pot cooking, including vegetarian and vegan options, as well as basic use instructions, etc. Lots of recipes to choose from.
Great place to find round ups of Instant Pot recipes, leading you to other blogs with delicious recipes.
The instant pot recipes you’ll find here use lots of veggies of course and are vegan. A great place to get inspiration for plant based eating. This is the author of the cookbook Vegan Under Pressure.
Another great place to find countless IP recipes. I just discovered this one, but the recipes sure look good.
Lots of variety of recipes here too, plus Jeff the author has video instructions that are lots of fun to watch! Check it out.
So there you go a pretty nice list of websites to check out, lots of new recipes waiting to be discovered….go forth my friends and Instant Pot!

You might want to check out twosleevers.com, too. They have some great instant pot recipes.
thank you I will do that!